Hi there! I know I have been posting very seldom, but as I have shared with you before I have been struggling to find topics for each post. While I love all the things I have shared with you sometimes the words just don't flow easily. But finally I feel like I have found the direction of my blog.
I have always been a self-proclaimed foodie and recently I have had a strong desire to eat better and improve my overall health. With my blog I want to share with you my journey in adopting a healthier lifestyle with a focus on food.
Even though others might think it's weird, I love knowing what people have eaten throughout the day. Not only am I just curious but it is a great way to get ideas for new meals. So I will be sharing with you what I have been eating (although this might take a while, we know how I am with taking pictures... ) as well as recipes and any other attempts at healthy living.
But don't worry, being a foodie means that I love all food so you can still expect to see plenty of sweets and treats. In fact here is a recipe I used a week ago when I was craving something sweet.
I doubled this
Strawberry Shortcake recipe from Chocolate-Covered Katie, so J and I didn't have to share. And I topped it with Whipped Coconut Cream (recipe below), a delicious diary free topping.
Remember it's just about moderation!
I definitely need to work on my food photography. |
Whipped Coconut Cream
1 15oz can of full fat coconut milk
1 tsp. maple syrup
1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- Chill can of coconut milk in fridge in overnight.
- Flip can of coconut milk and open from the bottom.
- Pour liquid into separate container (You will not use this but can save it for other uses).
- Scoop remaining cream into a large bowl or bowl of stand mixer.
- Whip until fluffy.
- Add maple syrup and vanilla extract.
Serve like regular whipped cream and enjoy!