Hey y'all! I hope everyone had a great weekend and a decent Monday... because let's be honest a decent Monday is all you can hope for. We had a pretty decent Monday but our weekend was excellent!
As I mentioned it was J's birthday. Since his parents were going to be in town for the actual day I wanted to do something nice for him before they got here. On Friday I had the brilliant idea of making him breakfast in bed because we don't do that enough. I went all out and made waffles with sprinkles and heart shaped bacon and there were even sparkler candles. Let's not even talk about what a disappointment the candles were, there was no spark! The bigger disappointment was that I totally spilled the whole tray on the way to the bedroom.
(Note to self: remove all liquids before carrying tray)
I ended up serving my hubby coffee soaked waffles, which he claims were better, but I still am not sure if he was just saying that to make me feel better. He spent the morning eating what remained of his breakfast as I cleaned the coffee off the carpet. It wasn't a perfect morning but I think it's the thought that counts and at least I got some pics before I spilled everything. These came in handy so I could show him what it was supposed to look like.
The rest of the weekend went off without a hitch. We enjoyed great meals at Salty Sow and Azul Tequila (our fave Tex-Mex of the moment) and had a great time celebrating with friends on Saturday night. Of course I forgot to take pictures of the rest of the weekend so you will just have to imagine (sorry!).
But I do want to share a picture of Gracie! This was taken last weekend at the park... it's just too darn cute not to share.
Look at all that grass stuck in her beard. |
Oh... I almost forgot today is Fat Tuesday! Lent officially starts tomorrow. I haven't thought about if I am going to give something up... looks like I have till the end of the day to decide.
Do y'all observe Lent? Do you give something up or set goals for yourself during this time?