

I know it's a common resolution but for me I really want to read more in 2013. My husband seems to go through a book a week and it really makes me feel bad about not reading. My problem is it takes me a long time to 'get into' a book. I have to have a good amount of time to sit and read which makes reading before bed out of the question. I am trying to set aside more time on the weekends to get my reading in.

My goal for 2013 is to read at least a book a month. I got off to a good start over the holidays. And read two books. Death Comes to Pemberley and South of Board.

Death Comes to Pemberley was set as a sequel to Pride & Prejudice with a mystery element. It was a fun read and interesting to revisit the characters of a favorite Jane Austen novel. I would definitely recommend this for those looking for something fun.

South of Broad was overall kind of a sad book. It was interesting to see the history of a group of friends growing up in Charleston, one of my favorite cities, but I just never got involved in the story. In the end it just wasn't my kind of book.

The Casual Vacancy is what I am currently reading. I wanted to read this for obvious reasons. My love of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series made me curious about this book. I am not too far into it but so far I like it. I'll let y'all know how it is once I'm finished.

Do y'all have any good books to recommend I read in 2013?

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